Top Ten Books About Religion

1. A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

by Karen Armstrong

Click HERE to learn more.

2. Reflections On The Existence Of God: A Series Of Essays

by Richard E Simmons III

Click HERE to learn more.

3. The Power of Myth

by Joseph Campbell

Click HERE to learn more.

4. 12 Major World Religions: The Beliefs, Rituals, and Traditions of Humanity’s Most Influential Faiths

Jason Boyett

Click HERE to learn more.

5. A History of Religious Ideas Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries

by Mircea Eliade

Click HERE to learn more.

6. The World’s Religions, Revised and Updated: A Concise Introduction

by Huston Smith

Click HERE to learn more.

7. The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality, and Religion in the Twenty-First Century

by Thomas Berry

Click HERE to learn more.

8. God: A Human History

by Reza Aslan

Click HERE to learn more.

9. More Than Allegory: On Religious Myth, Truth And Belief

by Bernardo Kastrup

Click HERE to learn more.

10. So What’s the Difference?

by Fritz Ridenour

Click HERE to learn more.

See Also:

Top Ten Books About Christianity

Top Ten Books About Buddhism

Top Ten Books About Judaism

Top Ten Books About Islam

Top Ten Books About Hinduism

Top Ten Books About Sikhism

Top Ten Books About Zoroastrianism

Top Ten Books About Cults